Falcon Fund
Like other independent schools, Fuqua School relies on the tradition of philanthropy to help us fulfill our mission of creating a safe and supportive learning environment which fosters the development of boundless individual potential. Tuition only covers a percentage of the income required to educate a student at Fuqua School. We rely on donations and other non-tuition revenue to fund the remainder of our program. In fact, we all benefit from the generosity of those that came before us. Through donations, our programs are strengthened and our faculty are provided with the tools needed to help our students reach their individual potential both inside and outside of the classroom.
Every tax-deductible gift helps Fuqua School and sends a powerful message that you believe we make a real difference in the lives of our children. We ask that you become involved and invest in Fuqua School by making a gift in support of our students. Your commitment, at any level, helps to make a difference in the lives of our students. Thank you for your support so we can continue our mission.
Areas of Support
There are several major areas of support:
Annual Giving
Unrestricted gifts are among the most valuable to Fuqua School, because they allow us to allocate funds wherever the need is greatest, as well as to take advantage of unique opportunities as they arise.
Capital Campaign
Capital gifts support campus improvements, technology, and more with funds being raised for a specific period of time.
Planned Giving
Donors can maximize their gifts through bequests, life-income arrangements, gifts of real estate, personal property, and other forms of giving.
Special Events
Events designed to be “fun-raising” by bringing our greater community together to raise significant funds to support School programs.
Gifts-in Kind are non-monetary contributions, including goods and services.
Give Now
Giving Societies
All giving societies recognize donors on an annual basis (August 1 - July 31).
Visionary* Gifts of $50,000+
Pinnacle* Gifts of $10,000 to $49,999
Covenant* Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Mission* Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Loyalty* Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Heritage Gifts of $500 to $999
Spirit Gifts of $100 to $499
Belief Gifts of $1 to $99
*Contributions of $1,000 or more qualify the donor for membership in the Bell Tower Club with special benefits.
How Your Gift Will Be Used
Falcon Fund donations support the day-to-day work of our faculty and staff by bridging the gap between tuition revenue and actual operating costs. The designated donations focus on that particular area.
"We rely on the generosity of our community to make up the difference between the cost of educating a Fuqua student and the tuition we charge. The generosity of our school community allows us to continue to advance the mission of the school and continually enhance student experiences and programs. We are grateful for the many parents, alumni, grandparents, past parents, and friends who support Fuqua School annually. Thank you!"